
I can't dance

I have unwittingly fulfilled that hallway vinyl encouragement "Dance Like No One's Watching." Because in the mornings I either go for a run or participate in what I like to call Ghetto Just Dance, where I watch YouTube videos of Xbox 360 song clips from Just Dance 3 and play them through my laptop onto our TV. It's far cheaper than buying a Kinect, and I bust just as many moves and break a far cheaper sweat. And whoever uploads these videos are far better dancers than me, so I always get a high score in the end.

Also: it snowed yesterday! In Portland. This is a rare occurrence, and I don't like it. Because it's not really snow, but slushy white muck.

Also: I've been taking some time to draw more.

Also: Courtney? Really?


  1. Manipulate Ben into propsing to you of course! You evil reality TV star you!

  2. Hehehe, Courtney. She's a rascal.
