
Simon at 6 months

Technically 6 1/2  months . . .

Simon's accomplishments:
Waking on his own between 7-8 AM and just playing quietly by himself
Sleeping through the night!
Crawling, rolling, sitting up, & flopping like a mad fool.
Finally giggling.
Reaches out for me to pick him up.
Loves baby food. So much.

Simon's unfortunate accomplishments:
Not a fan of the sippy.
Doesn't really talk or scream anymore . . . just one long solid (and monotone?) note of noise.
Had to lower the crib because he can stand while holding on to the side.
Chasing down and chewing on cords.
Loves to be loud loud LOUD during quiet moments (such as: church).

Simon's achievements in nobody's eyes but mine:
Smooth plumbing . . . makes poop face during every feeding.
Complete indifference to the outdoors . . . grows quiet and still (shall I say reverent?)
Makes noise every single time you put a finger to his mouth . . . not sure how to explain this . . . the "wubba bubba" if you "strum" his lips. Apparently there's much debate to the name of this gesture.
Loves to be naked. So much.

When I asked Seve for his input on this list ("What are some of Simon's 6-month developments?") he added "He makes a mean grilled cheese."


  1. Simon's first swing experience! Too cute! But, oh my, it looks COLD in Oregon!

  2. You have to be one of the funniest people ever. haha "flopping like a mad fool". i miss you guys! he's adorable!

  3. He is SO CUTE. I love that he's all bundled up -- because, I assume, it's still cold there. We already have the AC on in Utah! Not. good.

  4. He does make good grilled cheese. He added Tomatoes to mine this afternoon, and I must say, it was quite delicious.

  5. LOL.. I know exactly what you mean about the "being loud in quiet moments".. Beckett does the same thing at Church.. he goes "ahhhhh.. haaaaaa" . And also loves naked time, it must be a boy thing!
