
Cool Cat

Have any of you heard of Alex Boyé? Or seen this Coldplay cover circulating Facebook? Well, Seve and I went to his concert this weekend thanks to a family/theatre connection that got us some free tickets. To be honest, I didn't research him before going - I was under the impression we were in for a jazz night or something. It wasn't jazz, but man oh man did we have an amazing time! Like, a black-hipster-MoTab-member-Ray-Charles-impersonating-jokester good time.

For one of his numbers he asked members of the audience for a hat, noting he was looking for something a little more interesting than a baseball cap. We just so happened to don Simon out in his new hat that night . . .

This hat, in fact:

And Mr. Boyé savored in its ridiculousness, saying, "Are you kidding? I look like Urkel!" And, you know, used it anyway:

Later that night, Simon got to meet Alex (and get his hat back):

Look at dem cool cats.


  1. Simon says: I'm cool, I'm cool . . . but I need my binky.
    What a neat story! And now that hat has quite a history behind it!

  2. Oh, cute! I'm glad you enjoyed Alex Boye. I saw him at a fireside once during high school and was not very impressed, but he was singing pop stuff (think Backstreet Boys/98 Degrees) that I didn't care for. The end.

    1. Ha! Yeah, apparently he used to be in a boy band called "Awesome." That was actually their name.

  3. What a little stud. Two studs as a matter of fact. Mr. Boye, and Mr. Simon.

  4. This is ridiculous. I want your baby. But I might eat him. So maybe it's a good thing YOU have him.
