

If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.

My week in Texas is coming to a close and it has me reflecting on my past, present, and future. Mainly the future. Seve and I are currently suspended in that "Where now?" limbo of post-graduation and pre-job. We're interviewing and scouting out our next move, ready to get on with it but relishing the downtime before another sweeping trek across the country. Opportunity is knocking on our hallway of doors and new ones open just as quickly as others close. Ugh, I'm waxing a little too poetic tonight.

I'd rather not get into specifics, (not until we have our feet firmly planted where they're going to live for the next five or so years, anyway) but we've had some high highs and low lows I didn't see coming. And the surge of it all has left us in a . . . "calm before the storm" kind of peace?  Not sure how to explain it. Despite the uncertainty, I feel really, well, happy. I look around and I see my paradise already, even though we have yet to get where we're going. It's a funny little feeling, and makes me appreciate all the unexpectedness that happens.

A favorite professor of mine once said that nothing is ever 100% bad; it can only reach a maximum of 99%, because at least 1% is worth sharing later in a hilarious and heavily embellished story.


  1. I like this post a lot. It made me feel fuzzy.

  2. Sorry for the uncertainty -- but I'm glad that you're feeling happy and content! Good for you. :)

  3. Miss you! Please come back to paradise.

  4. glad you're happy, but completely understand that phase of life you're in. We are doing the same thing for R and trying to grasp the reality of life changing very quickly. Good luck!

  5. Jules, I cannot even tell you how much I love your long hair! Absolutely stunning
