
Hamlet hamming it up

Uncle Ben is in town! So, you know, we've been busy. And we've definitely been enjoying some great weather. Because, guys, it's almost here! Summer! Summer summer summer! Green grass: welcome to my bare feet! Beach: get those waves ready! Mountains: prepare to be hiked! Sandals: keep track of the awkward tan lines you'll cast on my toes! Shorts: get thee on my bunnery! Attempt at Shakespeare humor: forget it ever happened! 


  1. Oregon summers are beautiful, no doubt.
    But, Texas misses Simon!

  2. OH SUMMERSUMMERSUMMERSUMMERSUMMER!!!! How I love it so! This morning while babysitting Kaitlynn Tait, I put her in the moby wrap and we walked all over this summer town.

    Also, that bottom picture is priceless. Tell Uncle Ben hi from the Chapmans, and blow raspberries on Simon's tummy on my behalf.

  3. "get thee on my bunnery!" you are SO great.

  4. Excellent Shakespeare references....just fine job. Really, just great. Simon and those raspberries.
