
Tree Farm & My Boys

This camera has been fun but boy am I ready for Santa to surprise me with a little sumpin' sumpin' this year.

We got the most fabulous Christmas tree from this farm. It's nice to have an apartment that will actually fit one. It's full and beautiful and Simon himself picked it out (with the help of Pop and Uncle Ben - third picture). And that ghostly one at the end is Simon's first visit to Santa.

In other news, Seve and I are scouring the country for our next big move. So far we've found opportunities in Memphis, Baltimore, Dallas, and the-middle-of-nowhere Oregon. Where to go, where to go?


  1. OREGON! Please come to Oregon! By the way....I have the 19th and the 20th of this month off....if I say, planned a trip to come on the 16th or 17th, and left on the 20th, would that be a doable plan?

  2. OREGON OREGON OREGON. I love Oregon with my whole heart. I love it almost as much as I love Baby Simon's little bear onesie.

  3. I agree. It must be Oregon. Even if it is middle-of-nowhere Oregon. Oregon > all the other options.

  4. Traffic sux in Dallas.
    Oregon? You've been there and done that.
    Baltimore is cold.
    Mephmis... Do it. :D
