
Hats off

Oh hai friends! Here's a little tip to keeping slidey hats from falling off while you're out and about - put on an elastic headband underneath. And violĂ ! Now when you bend over to pick up your little Simon, your hat won't fall on him. Not that he ever seems to mind.

Also: please ignore the ugly site reference in the corner of my GIF. I have a baby, which means little time to actually utilize a tutorial on creating my own GIF but plenty of time to plug pictures into a site that'll just generate one for me. And apparently plenty of time for taking the artsy photos of myself to be used in the GIF. Hypocrite, I know, I know.


  1. ADORABLE. All of it. I love the hat and how you're rocking the lipstick!

  2. Jules how cute are you!!! i just found your blog from Liz's. Did you know we used to be roommates? Small little Rexburg Mormon world :)
