
Rude boy

Simon helped me fold all the laundry the other day. Or maybe he just took a nap. Tomayto, tomahto.

I was thinking the other day about how my blog has more than likely become a "baby blog," "mommy blog," "Simon and his drool blog," or whatever. I don't mind. But I read a rude review recently concerning someone else's blog and how it's just become "all about the baby," like it was an annoying thing. This was off-putting to me - I've been blogging since high school, back when Livejournal was where it was at and you never posted pictures of yourself; just shared Elliot Smith mixes or ranted about homework. Blogging was an honest journaling experience and comments, if you got any at all, were from friends you knew in real life.

Perhaps it shows my age to think the reviewer was being rude. Blogging isn't what it used to be and I'm fully aware that it's turned more into personal marketing than real journaling. Nonetheless, I don't get upset if a blogger continues to blog "for Mom" no matter how many followers they have. I blog for my Mom. Hi, Mom!

Another review I read discussed how we're quick to judge and hack apart the lives of celebrities, but with friends and acquaintances we're much more forgiving. So where does the line fall for bloggers? What makes a blogger distant enough to mock but intimate enough to keep coming back for every post?

Of course there are blogs written solely for profit and attention, much like a magazine that's All About Me. And no matter how intimate, the internet is a public forum and we know what we're getting into when we hit publish.

I could dig deeper here, but I'm kind of tired now. It's late and Seve's pulled up a new episode of The Walking Dead. So, you know . . . priorities.



  1. I happen to thoroughly enjoy Mommy blogs. They provide excellent tips for the future. Annnd lets be serious...who wouldn't want to look at the cuteness that is Simon all day long?

  2. I've always loved "mommy blogs" because they tend to feel more... real. And your 3rd paragraph... I don't know where the line is... I just don't know.

    p.s. I can't get over Simon. He is perfect.

  3. i get irritated with blog critiques like that, because your blog is about your life...and when you have a baby, your life becomes about your baby. therefore, blog about your life = blog about your baby. haterz need to get ova it (slash i'm still trying to figure out where my blog will be come april).

  4. Hi, Jess! Thanks for the shout out!
    Love the mommy blog and i LOVE that it's all for me. (Really, it is)
    I could wall paper my house with pics of my little Simon. Maybe i will. Oh yeah, i already did that with pictures of you. I need more walls.

  5. Amen, girl. I'm always dumbfounded when someone leaves a comment on a blog telling someone what to write or not write about. If you aren't interested, commenter...why are you reading? It's not my job as a blogger to entertain you. And I guess if it is, and if you aren't entertained, then, well, the question is still the same...why are you reading?

    Carrie wrote about this awhile back and I think she was very articulate about it: http://adventuresofscottandcarrie.blogspot.com/2010/11/blogger-entitlement.html

    I started my blog in 2004, to record and share funny stories about my experiences in college, and to this day, the majority of blog entries I write are for those who I know and care about, and if someone else happens upon it and enjoys it, I'm glad to uplift or inspire them in some way.

    But if YOU don't say what YOU want to say, anyone else could say it. You should blog about whatever you want to, because the people who really care about you want to know about the things that you want to share.

    Haters gonna hate, just keep on bloggin.

  6. I've wondered what the line on blogs is, too. Sometimes people's blogs just really irritate me for some reason -- and then I think, Hey! She/he is not a professional writer. This isn't a published post meant for only me. If I don't like it, then why should I read it? I love seeing pictures of Simon, too, and I don't care if your blog becomes a "mommy blog." That's the point you're in in your life, and I think it's fun to read!

  7. Once a person came to my blog anonymously and said they liked my post but "really, you need to change your font." WHO??? does that?

  8. i know. everyone should just LOVE, you know? it's such a simple thing, we should make it easy for us to do. also - we love the walking dead. has the 2nd season started? so good.
