
Goat Guys

Francesca Lia Block's Witch Baby was my favorite installment of the Dangerous Angels series. That purple-eyed, snarly black-haired child crawled right into my heart in middle school and hasn't ever bothered leaving.  These shoes are my homage to her band, the Goat Guys. You see, just like in Pinocchio when all the boys started to turn into asses once they started boozin' n smokin' n' poolin', the Goat Guys started to turn into goats once their band took off and their egos started to soar - a transformation that began with some goatly band gear: furry pants, antlers, and hooved shoes. Once these items were removed, they were able to see what they had become and change their ways.

Not that my goal is to turn into a goat. And these shoes aren't terribly hoof-like; just enough so that I love wearing them everyday. Though, Seve thinks they're ugly. I try to explain to him that that's kind of the point. Also, they put me at or near eye level with my friends, which is always a plus.


  1. I dig your funky shoes. And you.

  2. Well I love your shoes. I was there when we found them in your size. The crowds parted and you practically floated to them.

  3. Andrew doesn't like hoof-like shoes either, but I think these are way cute -- and way cute on you!
