

Seve and I were to be moving this weekend, but it might be postponed. It's a long story that I'd rather not bore you with, but suffice it to say that we're waiting on move-in approval for our new place that will definitely take us by next week, we were just hoping for this weekend since Seve starts teaching this week . . . so he'll be going on ahead while I wait here for a week, until he can pick me up (and our moving van with all our stuff) next weekend and we can finally, finally, finally move.

When I first received this news I was really flustered, but now I'm seeing it as a good thing. One more week with the people I'm about to miss terribly in the apartment and town I've fallen in love with and I'm sad to leave behind? Well, all right, if I must.


  1. So this sequence of pictures is PERFECT.

    PS Let us know if you need any moving/packing/loading help. And if you wanna hang out. =)

  2. So sorry you have to stay by yourself, but a week more will definitely be fun! You look so great pregnant! :)

  3. Oh oooh... I chalked that paint bucket!!!!! I can't believe it is still there.Who knew chalk was permanent! We will miss you.
