

Guyz look another wolf in glasses!!!!11one

It's here. November 30th.

Many of my bloggy buddies have been participating in 30-day challenges, including a photo for every day and 30 items of clothing to be worn in 30 days. My 30-day challenge has been the NaNoWriMo - write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. And I'm about to ride this wave out in glory, people, GLORY.

I have consistently written 1,667 words every day. I had some NaNo friends who ran hard in the beginning, boasting impressive word counts of 20,000 at day 3 when I was only at 5,000. But some of them burnt out after such energetic sprints, and I'm here to say that slow and steady wins the race.

I attribute this success to my job. I write 1,000 words on average daily. It's all draft work; only about 200 ends up being publishable. With that in mind, the majority of my NaNo novel will probably never see the light of day. But writing comes easy for me. And I am so happy that I've crossed the finish line! And GUESS WHAT the story isn't anywhere near being over. Yay '50s doo-wop werewolves!

I hope you guys don't mind my boasting, but writing is my only real talent, aside from this one time when I made a prom dress out of duct tape.


  1. Woo hoo!!! Good job, Jules! I commend you!

  2. that's sweet jules. I can't wait to read your stuff.... and I do kind of want to see this duct tape dress too...

  3. was the duct-tape-dress in attempt to get a scholarship from duct-tape? because i almost did that in higschool.
