Had an awesome trip to Oregon a few weeks ago. Can't believe summer is already gone! Ah well, like any relevant blogger fall is my favorite season, so I'm not terribly bummed by summer's passing. But man, was it fast.
I'm quite sad because one of the good friends I made since moving here is moving away tomorrow. The news of which she only found out about two days ago. We were just to that point in our friendship where you share all your weirds with each other and bond over all the mutual weird. We were sharing books, our kids were pushing each other over, and she and her husband were about to move into our ward (or away for a job change . . . turns out they're going the job change route). We're having a pizza party tonight as our little fare-thee-well but all the pepperoni pizza in the world won't keep these sads at bay. Who am I gonna build ramps for now?