
Quick Update

Sorry for the lack of updates, but for those who are not yet aware, I'm currently in Texas for the funeral of my Aunt Pam. She was a wonderful woman who was young and healthy, so her death came as a shock to all of us. She passed of a pulmonary embolism and leaves behind her husband, four children, and a new baby granddaughter. It's been a really rough week for everyone.

I'll be back in town mid-March. For those who've asked, I'm currently at the tail-end of my ninth week of pregnancy, and everything is going well. I'll see you guys soon.


We dig paisley

First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone for your kind words and support!!!

Did you know I have 14 blog post drafts? It's common for me to start blog posts and never finish them.

It's been veeery quiet around here lately, and I can sum up the reason for that in two words: nausea + vomiting.

I'm so very excited to be pregnant, but man, I haven't felt like myself these past few weeks. I've been confined to my bedroom and working from home busy with those two words above. I've left this bedroom a mere once since getting sick (not just my apartment, but my bedroom). What's going on in the outside world? Without the internet I'd probably be crazy right now.

So, sorry for infrequent posting. My real life is a bit queasy at the moment. To make amends, here's our official "I peed on this and it said 'baby'" picture, back before my relationship with food hit the rocks:
Just a coupla' hipsters. That mustache reminds me: Doubt opens this week! Go see Seve as Father Flynn at the Black Box Theatre and have a grand ol' time. Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!


Tumbling, tumbling

Well, I have a serious post today.

On New Year's Eve, I had a blog post scheduled to go describing my Top 15 of 2010, but scratched it because one of the things on the list I wasn't really ready to talk about, and that was #15, Getting Pregnant. Anyone who's been keeping up with this blog (or me in general) knows that I ended up miscarrying, and to this day I'm not over that sad event. It was so hard, especially in January (my due date had been 1/1/11) to see friends who conceived around the same time I did to have their babies arrive healthy and problem free. I'm very happy for them, but I can't pretend it didn't make me feel lonely.

Now, I wasn't all gripes and rainstorms last month. I had some things I was set on doing to stay positive and keep happy, like my new camera, my new watercolors, and a sneaky art project. But then something happened: I got pregnant again.

Was I planning on waiting to announce this? Yes. Last time I regretted announcing so early only to have to retract the statement, but you know what? By coming out in the open with my pregnancy and my miscarriage, I got a lot of love and support from people who would have otherwise been in the dark. And that support made such a difference.

So, I'm announcing it now. Besides, it's harder for me to hide being pregnant this time around. I've been sick as a dog - nausea, nausea, nausea - and missing work and my RS duties - both have been wonderful and understanding in the matter, but nonetheless, the cat's out of the bag when you're green in the face, not taking any medicine, and refusing the chicken soup that's brought to you.

I guess I just want you all along with me for the ride, no matter what happens. Perhaps I'll post the Top 15 of 2010 later this week . . . now that we're 2 months in to 2011's #1.


Brrrr So Unpleasant

If you're tired of illustration posts, I'm sorry . . . actually, I'm not, because they make me really happy. The reason you've been seeing so many recently is because I've entered Frankie's Sketchbook Showcase, where they send you some Field Notes books to draw, doodle, sketch, scribble, paste and stitch in! Those chosen will be featured in the magazine.

I most likely won't be chosen . . . not only is my body of work online pretty minimal, but I live in the U.S., which I doubt the Australian magazine will bother shipping to since I think the showcase is time sensitive. That, and it's not like my work is spectacular. But they're into quirky sketchy stuff, so what do I have to lose?